November 11, 2005

 show and tell

blackbird loves show and tell.

every tuesday she announces the subject and her readers are encouraged to post photos on their blogs on friday. i've seen her photograph her kitchen sink, shoes, medicine cabinet... it's a fun game, but i rarely have my shit together enough to play along.

this week, though, i'm in. here is my favorite mug:


i bought this at a yard sale for $1. it was actually one of my best friends' yard sale; i couldn't believe she was getting rid of it.

"IKEA" is stamped on the bottom. the green is so vibrant that it alone wakes me up in the morning -- the caffeine it contains is just a bonus. when i take this mug to staff meetings my co-workers giggle... they like the super-red tongue and the "z z" coming out of the snake's mouth.

this is my favorite mug of all time.

Posted by xta at November 11, 2005 01:20 AM | TrackBack

.....gah...a snake?
why'd it hafta to be a snake...

(just doing my Indiana Jones impersonation)

seriously, you are a doll! A DOLL I TELL YOU,to play along.

Posted by: blackbird at November 11, 2005 08:56 AM

Man, I love that cup. It is extremely fun.

I used to have a bright yellow cup like that, sans snake, that I loved to have in the mornings. It was like a ray of sunshine in my hand.

I miss that cup.

Posted by: Gidge at November 13, 2005 11:18 AM
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