November 15, 2005


i am one grumpy bitch today.

my sour mood is caused by a variety of factors.

i haven't been getting enough sleep. even though i was in bed by 11pm last night i still woke up exhausted. i'm going to shoot for 10pm tonight and see if that helps.

there is still so much yard work to do. since it's too dark when i get home from work, i got up at 7:30 this morning to load some of the crap into the yard waste bin. lord knows yard work will put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

the weather is overcast and drizzly which certainly doesn't help my disposition.

and the trial is weighing on me. i spend at least 2 hours there every morning, amongst janine's friends and family, on hard wooden benches listening to damning testimony. i went into this trial with a fairly open mind: i never met robert petrick, and realized that a history of forged checks does not make one a murderer. but as each day passes and i hear more about the man, the more i'm certain that he's guilty. and the more sad and angry i become.

it has become a mental struggle to get through my shift at work.

i also feel like i'm perpetually broke.

also contributing to my pissy state was the fact that i hadn't, until just an hour ago, pooped for two whole days.

Posted by xta at November 15, 2005 01:34 PM | TrackBack

I just finished writing a post also entitled Grrr! Must be something in the air

Posted by: marianne at November 15, 2005 09:03 PM

me too! I'm blaming it on the full moon...

Posted by: jill at November 16, 2005 08:17 AM


Posted by: Joseph H. Vilas at November 16, 2005 10:48 AM

Yes, but the occasional TMI is one of the things I LOVE about Christa!

Posted by: minty at November 16, 2005 12:25 PM

apparently Dooce has lost her inability to poop and is offering up apologies to whoever contracts it.
like the avian flu.

Posted by: blackbird at November 16, 2005 01:22 PM
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