The next day, though I didn't have a hangover from the soju, I did feel quite a bit stupider than I did the previous day. :) My motor skills didn't seem quite up to par, either... an all-around evil drink! (I brought 7 bottles back with me...) :)

Anyway, it was my last day in Seoul, and I decided I wanted to meet Steve & Betsy at their school, have lunch and ask questions of the other teachers. I took the bus again (I told you I felt stupid...), and successfully arrived at 'ECC Akpujong' ('ECC' standing for 'English Conversation Center,' 'Akpujong' being the area of town (quite an affluent neighborhood)). It was a very small school, 10 or so rooms situated in an office building. Many of the teachers were eager to invite me to live in Korea and come teach with them; they were enjoying their experience immensely. (Some of the happiest were the couples that had travelled to Korea together; the language barrier wasn't so difficult for them.)

For lunch that afternoon, several of us entered into another one of those tiny alleys of restaurants and settled down to a meal of 'Pibimbap,' which Betsy had been talking about all week. "Bap" means "rice," so I knew I was pretty safe. :) In fact, it was one of the more unusual dishes I'd had, but quite good: rice, seaweed and some unidentifiable brown stringy thing are all cooked in an extraordinarily hot ceramic bowl. An egg is then cracked over it, and the heat from the dish is so great that it fries the egg right on top of the whole mess. You can add a couple of different seasonings and spices to your bowl, and you stir the whole thing around until thoroughly mixed and no longer sizzling. Yummy and quite interesting.

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